Historical Perspective

If you want to support and empower rural communities in areas of the the South that have been historically overlooked, perhaps due to changes in demographics or economic downturns, you came to the right place.  Most of these towns were thriving communities in the heyday of cotton farming.  The demise of the importance of cotton meant that there was little demand for a workforce that consisted of large numbers of unskilled workers.  Those who remained behind, having earned less than a living wage even when cotton production was high, "made do" the best they could while holding what was left of their communities together.  Having limited access to capital, many of these towns could barely provide basic services to their citizens, but they persevered.

Today's Challenge

The challenge today is to build and support programs that have the ability to transform lives and positively impact these struggling communities.  We aim to do this one community at a time and sincerely  hope that you will join us on this journey.  We believe that working together, we can make a difference.